Ashokan Farewell Compilation Video
Hi everyone, you are all invited to be part of our Spring Waltz compillation; "Ashokan Farewell." The due date is Monday, May 4th!
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NOTE: This upload box is very slow -- expect long upload times. Better alternatives would be to invite me to share a file through your Drop Box account, or simply post the video on YouTube.
1) Go to the Ashokan Farewell lesson page and learn the tune:
While visiting the link above, you will also find the tablature for the harmony parts, should you desire to learn those as well.
2) Beg, steal, or borrow a digital video camera and set it up about 6-10 feet from you. Make sure the lighting is good and your fiddle is perpendicular to the camera.
3) On the lesson page, find the 90 beats per minute jam track. Plug in some ear buds so that you can hear the jam track, but your audience cannon.
4) Hit record on the camera, then "play" on the jam track." Perform the song! Perform the harmony parts as well, if you are able.
5) Load the video onto a computer, then upload it into the box at the top of this page. Once the upload is complete, the status box will turn green. If your file is large, this may take a while! After you upload your video, sit back and wait for the final result! You can use the forum linked below for questions or more discussion.