Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
This is an online fiddle lesson for the Christmas carol "Beautiful Star of Bethlehem." is your best source for Bluegrass, Old Time, Celtic, Gospel, and Country fiddle lessons!
Genre: Holiday, Gospel
Skill Level: Beginner
Keys of D and C
You may download and use any of the MP3s and tablature for your personal use. However, please do not make them available online or otherwise distribute them.
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Video #1: Here is a video of my daughters and me performing the Christmas carol "Beautiful Star of Bethlehem."

“Beautiful Star of Bethlehem” is a popular Christmas song, particularly in the country and bluegrass genres. There seems to be some debate as to the actual author of this lovely hymn. It would seem that three different men (R. Fisher Boyce, Adger M. Pace and Arthur L. Phipps) are credited with writing and arranging the song. The song was first published in 1940 by the Vaughan Company and was printed in the company's song-book, "Beautiful Praise". The Vaughan Company gives both R. Fisher Boyce and Adger M. Pace credit for the song. The following link is an interesting story about the history of this beloved Christmas hymn: Old-Time Times.
Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem (Chords and Lyrics) D D7 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem C D Shining afar through shadows dim D Bm A E A Giving the light for those who long have gone D D7 Guiding the wise men on their way G D Unto the place where Jesus lay D E A7 D G D Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on. Refrain: D A D D G D Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem D Bm A E A Shine upon us until the glory dawns. D D7 Give us a light to guide the way G D Unto the land of perfect day D E A D G D Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, shine on Oh Beautiful Star the hope of light Guiding the pilgrims through the night Over the mountains till the break of dawn Into the light of perfect day It will give out a lovely ray Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on Oh Beautiful Star the hope of rest For the redeemed the good and blessed Yonder in glory when the crown is won Jesus is now the star divine Brighter and brighter he will shine Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on